Elevate Education delivered their high quality study skills seminars to Middle School students on Tuesday 16th May. Since 2001, Elevate has been transforming the way study skills programmes are delivered in schools across Australia and present to over 1500 schools nationwide. Drawing upon over 15 years of research into the habits of the country’s top students, Elevate's high impact seminars & workshops help students improve their study techniques, increase motivation, build confidence, and lift exam performance.

Each year level received coaching by university students and graduates who excelled in their own academic studies. Year 7 students looked at ‘Junior Time Management’ and were taught valuable skills about organising and balancing their time and establishing their homework routines.  99% of students said the seminars were time well spent and Year 7 Tutors have been working with students following the seminar to devise individual study planners.

Year 8 students had a session on ‘Study Skills – Kick Start’ and Year 9 students completed the suite of Middle School programmes with ‘Memory Mnemonics’. If any parent wishes to have an extra booklet used by students in the sessions, please contact Middle School Reception.

Each student is provided with access to www.elevateeducation.com where they can access a range of practice questions, presenter tips and a copy of Elevate’s best-selling study guide ‘The Science of Student Success’. The presenters provided details of the log ins to all students, but if they have forgotten, they can access through a default username and password which is: username: elevate, password: pacco

Student feedback forms were collected on the day and the feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive with comments such as:

  • ‘I would rate it a 10/10 because it was very useful and I have learnt a lot of new things.’
  • ‘The most important thing I learnt was to space out the time you do your homework and not leave it all to the last minute.’
  • ‘The presenter was really kind, funny and enthusiastic.’