The PMACS Primary School students competed in the NIPSSA Basketball Carnival at Warwick Stadium on Friday 12th April. For many of the students this was their first experience of competitive basketball. All the teams that took part performed brilliantly and showed great team spirit and sportsmanship. I would like to say a big thank you to the parents who assisted on the day, in particular Mr Rampling for his coaching expertise. Also to Mr Pini for all his hard work coaching and preparing the students.



Alex Erkan

Rose Wheeler

Mason Fisher

Jade Blane

Matthew Melendez

Alana Clarke

Jacob Plumb

Sam Davey

Hudson Rampling

Bridget Gallagher

Flynn Wheeler

Jade White

Sam Williamson

Maddie Young

Hamza Mohammed

Angelina Zahos

Roi Allardyce

Mahalia Adma Wedha

Logan Rampling

Isabelle Curtis

Cameron Williamson

Andi Mukobo

Jacob Cowap

Grace Griffiths

Hunter Mettam

Beth Kilgallon

Jacob Watt

Melissa Olivier

Sam Bushell

Gemma Vine

Matthew Linnell

Jasmine Wilkinson

Written by Mr Matt Senior, Primary Sport Coordinator