At the beginning of this year, the School congratulated all of our 2018 Year 12 Leavers for their achievements in their WACE.

It has been a tradition for students who gain an ATAR of 95 or more, to have their achievement recognised on our 95+ Club Honour Board. The Honour Board is located at the eastern end of the DS Building for all to see.  Of the 2018 Leavers, nine students have had their name put up on the Honour Board.

Our 95+ Club students for 2018 are:

  • Bailey Cunningham
  • Georgia Graham
  • Kiara Henkel
  • Constance Lyon
  • Melina Manganaro
  • Roxana Sheriff
  • Samuel Birch
  • Rui Zheng

We also ask as many of these 95+ Club students as possible to return to speak at a Senior School Assembly. This allows the Senior School students to congratulate this group on their special achievement. Depending on their University schedules, we can have a group of varying sizes return to speak to the Senior School.

This year, Bailey Cunningham and Sam Birch spoke at our assembly.  It was wonderful to see the two boys speak to the Assembly about what strategies worked for them and how they balanced their study time and down time. Both found that utilising Academic Tutorials effectively was a key factor in time management, as well as practising past papers under timed conditions and asking questions of their teachers during class and after school.

The students in the Assembly were highly impressed with the ATAR achieved by Bailey (99.35) and Sam (96.5). The Assembly warmly congratulated both Bailey and Sam are on their results.

All of the 95+ Club students begin University this year, most in Perth; Rui is at University of Melbourne. We wish all of them well in their studies.

Written by Natalie Shaw, Associate Principal-Senior School